Friday, June 12, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

It's a bad time to be a writer or a publicist my friends. Actually, it's a bad time to be anything besides a successful, money-hungry billionaire who doesn't share their worth with the rest of our crumbling economy. Every week I read the Bulldog Reporter for PR pitching updates and information. What have I found recently? That magazine and newspapers around the country are folding weekly. Staff cuts in large numbers...giants folding such as the San Francisco Chronicle and the Boston Globe. I was just told by the editor of the SF Chronicle that after this month he will be the sole person running the paper. What does this say to me? By the end of the summer they too will be something of the past. No one buys print anymore. Why would you when you can interact with any given person at any given time of the day across the world? So we have writers and managers and editors and photo copiers and print proofers and reporters out of work. Thousands of them.

Next comes television. Reality stars have taken over the world of "entertainment." "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!"-how is this crap television? Why does ANYONE tune in to watch this nonsense? People complaining about being placed in a situation that isn't soft and cushy and full of people kissing their trainer toned asses. It sickens me. Mike & Juliet had its last show today. WHAT?? If I turn on the news and find out that Spencer and Heidi are making a movie I swear I will move to a remote island where I never have to hear or see those two idiots again. The fact that I even just mentioned their names makes me irritated with myself for giving them another write up somewhere on the net. The two of them probably sit up all night long googling their own names to see whose lives they have enriched. Note: you aren't doing anything put prolonging a weak and sickened state of mind by the people in America. You're brain washing them to believe your pathetic antics actually mean something.

So now we have television producers, hosts, camera crews, etc. out of work. The numbers grow again.

Chrysler and Jeep were ordered to a halt this week as well. How many manufacturers will suffer because of this? Business owners? Car techs? Sales people? The local businesses in town are closing and selling their merchandise at whole sale before they shut their doors. It doesn't just affect my business either...moving on to the hardest hitting closing I've seen this week (at least to myself and fellow Californians)....

Virgin Megastore on Hollywood Blvd. Ouch. As of Monday, June 15th Virgin will cease to exist. This is a year after both the New York City and New Jersey stores have already opted to close. About 2 years after Tower records shut its doors to the public. CD's? DVD's? Why buy them for $20 a pop when you can buy them on iTunes for a dollar per song or episode? 80% off everything left in the store-that's what you can bank on for the rest of the weekend. That includes the light fixtures, tables, mannequins, and flat screen tv's. EVERYTHING must go. If the owner of Virgin can't keep his stores alive-how is coming out with brand new airline carrier services?

My boyfriend is a musician. Is this the death of his industry as well? If you aren't Billy Joel or Bruce Springsteen should you can up your strings and drum kits and forget it all? Are he and I doomed to be prodigy's of the poor for life because we chose college degrees and passions in the arts? How is our country going to recover from the hit we are taking? When industry after tycoon is taking a beating into the ground? I firmly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. I am beginning to wonder if we were all raised by our grandparents telling detailed stories of the great depression because within a few years we will have to follow in their footsteps. Money is low, but the prices keep rising.

Where do we go from here? Obama-can you clean up even a portion of the mess Bush made? I give it 2 years before the boy and I move to England to leave this wreckage behind.....

Good Luck America-You're FUCKED.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Maybe the best thing I've seen in a while. Thanks to Sarah for opening my eyes to this video.

Oh really? Hot water?? Bullshit.

Urban Cowboy Silverlake Bullshit Style

why it's in style to look like you raided your grandmother's closet??

last night's nylon party looked more like halloween than a stylish get together.

sequined blouses, over sized t-shirts with no pants (are you that used to the walk of shame that you've just stopped getting dressed to go out??), huge hideous sweaters....

look silverlake, stop invading my turf and shop somewhere else other than urban outfitters. your style is wack. you give me a headache.

and also-why the hell are the ting-ting's a band? i hate you ipod-you've ruined the sale of good music by promoting this type of crap in your commercials. i shouldn't have sold out and asked for one for my birthday. give me some rock and roll. that means, by the way in case you have no idea what i'm talking about, jimmy page, jim morrison, vince neil, axel rose, joan jett, mick jagger, david bowie, john lennon, tim effing armstrong!!!!!!!

ugh-this is why i don't go out. someone please give these people a mirror...or a time machine. that way they can fast forward through time, see the photos of themselves, realize how stupid they look and KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF!!!!

ps: vintage = old, used, and tired. unless it's a car. don't buy it. ok? ok.